
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Liebster Award

Hi guys! I was nominated for the Liebster Award. Basically this is a fun way to get to know and discover new bloggers. Heres a little Q&A about myself.

1. How would you described your style? 
I'd describe my style as very girly. I love long flowy skirts, fitted sundresses, and bright florals. My job requires me to wear all black, so whenever I'm not at work I make it a point to have a bright colored outfit. My style is constantly evolving and changing. I never say never when it comes to fashion.  

2. What is your favorite fashion item?
 I have a lot of favorite fashion items, but if I had to pick one it would be a dress I recently bought at Anthropologie. Everything about it is just perfection.

 3. What is your favorite color?
I've always been a fan of blue. But, now I'm finding myself being attracted to yellows and oranges.
It just makes me feel happy

 4. In which city would you like to live? 
There is still so many places Id still like to visit. I live in Florida now and although I do enjoy where I live, the summers can be pretty brutal. It would nice to live somewhere that has a change in seasons. I have always loved NewYork and I most definitely could see myself living in a big city. There is something about a big city that just seems exciting.

 5. How do you imagine yourself in 5 years from now? 
Hmm.. I think about this question a lot.  I'd love to persue my career in the hair industry and eventually become a educator. My first passion has always been hair so, any growth in my industry would be an achievement. 

 6. What goals do you have for your blog? 
You know, I really started my blog just for fun. I never expected much to come out of it, so anything at all I consider an honor. I recently became a member of the blogger advertisement program with ShopMieux (more information in my next post). I never really expected to actually make money for my blog, but it is exciting to think of the possibilities that could come along with it.

 7. How did you pick your blog's name?
I thought of Gift Of Gab months before I actually started my blog and still went over a ton of different names but I always came back to Gift of Gab. I found it catchy.

8. What is your occupation, field of studies etc?
I'm a hairstylist.

 9. What is your favorite movie?
Any of the Harry Potter movies. Hands down.

 10. Which is your best styling or beauty tip?
Layer! Layering always adds to a basic outfit.

 11. Which is the favorite of your blog posts?
My next blog post will always be my favorite ;)

1 comment:

  1. This was awesome getting to know you better! I laughed a little when you said "My first passion has always been hair so, any growth in my industry would be an achievement." because hair will always have 'growth', right? lol
