
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Home Tour featuring Southern Reclaim Co

It's been a year since we moved into our little bungalow and I'm finally ready to give a little peak inside. I had a little help from Southern Reclaim Co to help give a little kick off with the cutest 3 piece succulent planters.

It's been a year since we moved into our little bungalow and I'm finally ready to give a little peak inside. I had a little help from Southern Reclaim Co to help give a little kick off with the cutest 3 piece succulent planters. 

I've been really excited about this post because it's the first time i've worked with a local maker of handmade goods. Southern Reclaim Co offers home goods from mud cloth pillows, planters, and my personal favorite reclaimed wooden wall decor. The handmade craftsmanship is stunning and truly authentic one of a kind pieces. You can shop online as well as make custom orders! 

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